juliekherman Member


  • I also struggle with portion control. Particularly of sweets. I can't just eat one cookie. I have to eat all the cookies. My job is pretty sedentary, so right now I'm just trying to be more active. I got a Fitbit last year and realized just how little excercise I got. I'm trying for 10,000 steps a day, but when that…
  • I got a fitbit last year, and it has definitely helped me increase my activity level. I never considered myself to be very competitive, until I started getting invited to weekly challenges. Now I'm walking around at 11:30pm trying to get in more steps so that I can win! I hardly ever come in first, but I am certainly more…
  • Hi! I'm Julie. I'm 5'6" and 158 pounds. I was 175 four years ago, and after starting Weight Watchers I got down to 134. I kept the weight off until last year, when I started letting things slide. I gave up on WW when the point system I was accustomed to changed, so I'm hoping that My Fitness Pal will get me back on track.