ksmoira Member


  • Hey! So I do the same where I fast in the evening, nothing after 5. But you can do IF with a different window of eating time. Some people fast in the morning. As for the weakness, are you getting enough calories in within your window? Or are you towing the line?
  • If you get a lot of anxiety during PMS I might suggest less coffee. But you don't have to go cold turkey! American portions of coffee are big. Less might be better! I drink mine with lots of milk (good calcium). Also this is weird but I find that drinking coffee cold rather than hot, I am far less likely to get anxious!
  • Yes definitely caffeine contributes to painful cramps for me. And anxiety if I have too much at any point in my cycle. Also worth noting that if you have urinary problems (like urges, overactive bladder), coffee is a bladder irritant. I drink coffee but these are things I keep in mind if I'm having a problem!
  • For breakfast I scramble 2 eggs and throw in chopped up onion and bell peppers, and season with pepper and oregano. So easy and filling! Avocados, Apple slices with peanut butter, cherry tomatoes, and a slice of whole wheat bread are good snacks. Pineapple is delicious! Dr Rhonda Patrick has a really cool free podcast…
  • Hi Laura! Congrats on getting started!! I have had such success with logging my food, it has made ALL the difference for me in dropping excess pounds and eating a ton healthier! I hope you have wonderful success. Keep us posted!