JeanneHiggins1 Member


  • Good morning everyone! Thanks to those of you who posted welcome messages. I was really hopeful this group would be a true community of people connecting so it’s nice to experience that. Also, really cool there are so many people from WA state! 🙂 Newbie question about navigating this thread…is there a way to respond…
  • Good morning from Seattle! Hope everyone has a great day! I’m proud of myself for actually tracking all my food yesterday! That’s a first for me. Today will be tough. Lots of meetings and then putting on Senior Night for my athletes where there will be lots of treats and pizza. Staying connected to “my why” helped…
  • Thank you Barbie! I'm sitting in an office full of candy and trying to not eat any! If I get started, I won't stop! Luckily I have a volleyball game coming up so I will be distracted!
  • Hi everyone, here in Seattle trying to get started (again) on tracking. My big struggle are sweets even though I know sugar (and wheat) contribute to a lot of my joint and muscle pain. You'd think chronic pain would be a strong motivator to stay on track, but I guess I have a high pain threshold! lol Hope everyone is…
  • I also have crazy pain in my feet, back and legs. I’m hoping that the combination of choosing better foods and losing weight will help with pain. It’s my biggest motivation for change. I think you are smart yo make small changes! Hope it’s going well!