Andreahenley - what kind of diet are you on? If you are only low carb, then you should be able to eat eggs, unless there is a medical reason you can't have them. I believe Paleo diets allow whole eggs. What diet plan are you following?
Is anybody still here from South Carolina? I live on the border next door to Augusta, Gal., in the CSRA (Central Savannah River Area). Hoping to connect with somebody nearby. Thanks
Personally, I would keep it, but like some others here have said, it really depends on: Is $45 a lot of money toy you. How much do you love the skirt - or not. How determined are you to lose that last 15 pounds, and... How successful have you been so far losing weight and making progress towards your goal. Personally, I…
Cherylzimmer9 Did you ever find an answer to your question about messages not going through? I'm having the same problem. Thanks, vickimckie