jcrobbinsdfw Member


  • that's why I think MyFitnessPal has the best database ... so many people adjust and "keep it honest" ... I view it almost like Wikipedia, it is not 100% accurate and while there are items and facts that are wrong, there are enough basic's and overall ideas, concepts, and fact checkers that I think the end result will be…
  • Wow, these are all great information ... I loved those videos and do see how weighing would be far more accurate. If I was doing this for health reasons (ie, my blood pressure and cholesterol was at danger levels) or I developed some other potentially fatal decease then I could see diving head first into this level of…
  • I'm not weighing my food, just me ... for the food I'm using the vast database of MyFitnessPal and selecting the item, or scanning the bar code, or finding a "similar" item. I am adjusting the serving size (as best I can visually judge) based on what I am actually eating. I'm heavier than I should be but I'm not doing this…