Do it. #yolo
@GnothiSeauton23 we really need more pics of your fur babies. Those are some cute kitties. <3 Actually we need more pics of pets in the threads. Y'all got some dang cute babies so share the love!
It gets worse the more times you do it too. I've had enough. :s
Sweet crap, burn the house down it's the only way
It also depends on who your ex is and what kind of person they are. You can be an adult all you want but if your ex isn't mature or sane enough then it won't work.
I'm just finishing my hell week hope you feel better soon.
@MeganMoroz89 Was this the same one where the people were getting possessed by the costumes and one of the costumes was a clown costume in particular and Sam got on the elevator at the hospital with the clown and was internally screaming? His face was priceless. Also that episode with the clowns that blew up and rained…
It'll never work , the world isn't ready :p
Of yourself in boxer briefs. Now get on it.
Sugar's in the slammer again? That didn't take long :D new name and everything, what a shame. It's like you all have a competition going to be behind bars. :D At least cutaway is free again.
Lots of nutella. And fried ice cream.
Me too lol I'll never escape it :D :s
Really pleasantly surprised this thread has remained so civil. Everything football I ever see turns into a fight. Good job. My mom loves the giants. I don't really have a favorite football team though.
Or "gotta get offline. someone needs to use the phone." Ahh, dialup. Kids these days will never know.
Holy crap you look just like my friend Alison. I have to get on my computer and post a pic it's uncanny you could be twins!
Tree fiddy?! Monster's gonna think we rich!
I don't know how people in Florida live. I guess they get acclimated to it. I thought I knew bad humidity. Till I visited Key West and thought I was going to die just stepping outside my hotel room. In October. :s It's not too bad where I am now but in extreme heat I seek shelter in cool areas as I don't do heat well.…
PS my phone doesn't allow me to post on walls or reply to comments (just since I got my new phone it seems) so I'm not active like that but messages so far seem to work. Added. :)
Yup I do. It's always going to be a struggle for me. But therapy has taught me ways to cope especially in the rougher than normal times and meds help a lot. I can't imagine being off the meds now. I couldn't go back to that. <3
Not alone. I just restart my phone never press the "ok" button or you'll give your phone herpes
Can't afford that. I need to install a clothes line and dry them the old way.
I hate when your bed sheets roll up into a ball in the dryer and don't properly dry so you have to untangle it all and dry it again. 3rd times the charm I guess. :/
It's okay you didn't shoot the deputy though
Apparently not your gag reflex though
@strozman If this means you're being deployed please be safe out there and thank you for your service. If read that wrong disregard all that :D I confess I almost blew up in a pms-induced rage at work today but held on to my sanity with white-knuckled death grip. Whew. Close one though.
This. All of this. When I met my mentor it was in a public place and he brought his vanilla wife along so I could feel more at ease. I brought my roommate along for safety too. We never played, he just let me go places with him and watch sessions and meet the community he was a part of and I became a part of. Through him I…
I literally laughed out loud OMG that made my night thank you!
A what? :/
OMG this thread is amazing. Thank you all. All of your pets have special place in my heart <3 So amazing. Best thread ever. Thank you everyone!!