In my 30 lb weight loss I have seen gain 5 lbs and suddenly drop all that plus 2 more in 2 days. Weight fluctuates in process of weight loss. I am 36. Heard it's harder to lose as we age plus was told beginning is water weight and then u will lose but slowly. Gota be patient. I have to me. Stat positive keep doing what u…
So. I was same. Self conscious unmotivated. Listen. Throw on a ponytail, shades, your music leave your house and go walk. Increase time over time. Drink lots of water. Watch your portions. Throw in an apple and yogurt in somewhere. Or other fruits. Start w small changes. It goes a long way. Water def stuffs u. I began at…
Aww. So try drinking tons of water as u eat. U will get stuffed very fast. And go for walk. I lose weight w walking. Lots of it. And don't quit. U can do this. Keep the end results in mind and go for it!
"Small changes lead to big results" By. Well. Me. Lol
Well. I'm not wonderful at strict dieting so I try to moderate what I do eat. And force myself an appl everyday along w Greek yogurt. I usually eat thsee 2 for lunch. Everyday I walk. And when I eat anything I moderate size. Size is key. And continue staying active as u are. I don't hit the gym. But rather I walk…
That's scary
U will. Just keep it up
Sometimes I go beyond 5,000. And for 3 weeks dieting. I cut alot of stuff out. Long journey ahead but I feel patient and confident
I walk almost everyday minimum 5,000 steps. W pedometer.n I t each my food on app.
Mine was when I was told the liver enzymes rose to 92. Then in 2 weeks 115. (Max 42) and I cried thinking I'm going to die. I stopped zoloft immediately and began to ear different immediately. I retested and numbers dropped to 72. Unsure what caused that but then dr cAllee me w results and I cried and just continued to…
I haven't been on weight loss since 3 Yeats ago. It makes me happy to see me lose weight. Being 237 lbs max last yr is crazy. But w liver disease now I'm all in to drop 85 lbs