atitagain1958 Member


  • You don't HAVE to put it in your diary BEFORE you eat. But if you have problems remembering what you've eaten, I kinda agree with heybales. Pre-planning and charting is a good idea. Then you just look to see what you've planned for yourself that day. However, I wouldn't recommend eating the same thing every day. First, it…
  • I can relate. I also have over 100 pounds to lose. I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I'm tired all the time and my balance sucks too. I am on a medicine that helps me stay awake but it doesn't give me energy. I had no idea the array of symptoms these diseases have! Anyway, I too am VERY limited in what I…
  • Why do you stop? You lose motivation to stick with it long enough? You're not seeing weight loss or not seeing it quick enough? First of all, with 10-17 lbs to lose, weight loss could be slow. There's nothing stopping you from eating healthier, in fact, that's what you should be concentrating on...not the scale. Make sure…
  • I have over 100 pounds to lose. I was at goal but due to medical problems and lack of motivation, I now weigh more than I ever have! Self motivation is SUPER HARD! For me, being on here and getting support from my friends have helped a great deal. I've also learned a lot over the years. Tracking is ESSENTIAL! And setting…
  • I just sent you a friend request. It's easy to fall off the wagon but it takes courage and determination to get back on!! Congratulations, you have both!! I'm starting over again for the last time! I can feel it! This whole experience just feels different than it has before. I think everything I've learned over the years…
  • I just sent you a request. Anyone can add me! I log in every day and am active on the site!
  • SuedOnim has given you some great advice!! Although I'm not at goal now due to medical problems, I was at goal for many years. I can share with you what worked for me and my husband regarding the food issues. I too was at a loss and at first was making 2 meals, one for me and one for him!! Well, something HAD to change! I…
  • I agree with dancingonstarz, track everything you eat as best as you can and try to just maintain your weight while on vacation. You can plug the numbers into MFP and it will tell you how many calories. Just mark the current weight as the goal. Try to monitor all your exercise; steps with your phone, pedometer or tracker.…
  • Male or female, the principle are the want to feel good in your swim suit/trunks and you want to have that confidence!!! A couple websites to help you with the swim trunks and if you have a belly, a shirt...…
  • I just sent you a friend request! Friends are extremely important for that motivation and support that's needed for successful weight loss! I'm very active on the site and I log in every day. Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend! Unfortunately, I have yo-yo dieted my whole life but I'm here now and things are…
  • You've gotten some good advise. Don't deprive yourself or you WILL binge. I also round my meals out. I've found protein to be a BIG help in tiding me over to the next meal or snack. I also make sure I eat about every 4 hours. Since I like my sweets too, the first thing I put in my diary every day is my ice cream bar or…
  • Sorry AGAIN...I missed yesterday! I read the posts and intended to come back and write and just never got back! Oops! I guess I'm playing hop scotch! Lol So let's see, Tuesday...weight loss goals...well to be honest, for my height, I should only weigh about 160. I shudder when I think of that because it's SO much weight to…
  • I'm retired from the medical field so I can relate. I loved my job too so I understand you not wanting to give it up. You don't have to! There's NO reason you can't do this with your current job! I'll try to address each issue. Workouts: There's no rule you have to work out in the morning. There's no rule you have to work…
  • My daughter is overweight and she is NOT embarrassed to go to the pool where on the other hand, I am. I've talked to her about it. This is her advice and I'm going to try it myself! 1. Find a bathing suit you feel you look good in. (She said look "hot" in) LOL 2. Tell yourself people are people, no one is better than…
  • You didn't say this is your last 5 pounds, unless that's what you mean by "leveling off" but if it is...yes, it could take awhile. I agree with Koldnomore, don't look at the scale very often, just enjoy your new body and health! Just concentrate on continuing to eat healthy which is your new lifestyle instead of the scale.…
  • I agree with tattoogal77, don't go under your calorie intake since you're doing all that exercise. And also pebble4321, put some variety in your diet...rice, tuna and chicken is boring! Specially after 4-5 weeks! I'm not sure what weetabix is, but if you have it EVERY morning, that gets boring too! I know it may be simple,…
  • There's no reason you can't fit some beer into your diet plan!! Here's a website that will tell you the best ones to try. Hopefully you'll find one you'll like! .....
  • Can you try saying you've already had some or you'll have some in a little while? Another trick is to take one bite of something if it's a new recipe your friend made. Then sidetrack them about telling them how good it was and how you need to get the recipe. Vodka and soda is one of the lowest in calories. Have a tall with…
  • I weigh myself once a week. I know, I'm the odd ball here! LOL I'll tell you why. When I was younger and trying to lose weight, it was all about the scale and not about the healthy eating. I truly feel that's why I could never keep my weight off. I yo-yo dieted for many years. Now I have health problems and eating healthy…
  • I just sent you a request. I log in every day and make comments to all my friends! Anyone here can feel free to add me! You never can have too much support!
  • Just sent you a friend request. I have a large amount of weight to lose too. We can motivate each other!
  • Sleep is important for weight loss. Have you tried having a set bedtime? Using your bedroom only for sleep? Turning the lights to dim a few hours before bed? Turning off the TV and computer an hour before bed and just trying to relax? They say don't have your cell phone in your bedroom at night unless you shut it off…
  • Eat a higher protein breakfast. The protein will keep you full.
  • I just sent you a request