atitagain1958 Member


  • Hi! I just got my Fitbit this week! So far I love it! I've competed in a couple challenges already! Fun but I haven't won. Anyway, here's my ID
  • What you're doing is fantastic! My doctor want me to try meditation. I guess I really don't know how. I've read up on it. I've downloaded apps. I guess I just haven't found something that suits me. I'm still looking and when I find it, I hope it helps me as much as you!!
  • Hi! I'm Nancy. Good luck to you and your weight loss journey! Here's a website you might find interesting. It tells you about diet and also tells you which foods are anti inflammatory foods. Again...good luck!!
  • Hi! Your story is so uplifting! You've done so well!! I know, because I've been in that rabbit hole. It wasn't easy getting out! Once I got out though, it made me realize how strong I am. Migraines every do you take that??? I get migraines, I've gotten them for over 30 years now. The pattern was…
  • Hi! My name is Nancy. I'm pretty new to the group too. I never heard of your diagnosis until my daughter started Special Education. One of her friends has it along with some other problems. We all went to the State Special Olympics and it was really noticeable how much she struggles. She was in a 50 yard run, standing long…
  • Hi! My name is Nancy. I'm new to this group too. So from one newbie to another...WELCOME!!! Sorry to hear about all of your problems. I don't blame you for trying to put off the knee replacement for now. The more weight you can lose by then, the easier the recovery usually. Besides, they keep making improvements in…
  • Hi! Feel free to add me too! I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I've found eating a well balanced diet works best for me. Weight loss is slow but it gives me the most energy. I really need to balance my macros and make sure I get enough protein in at every meal and snack. I haven't been hungry at all and my…
  • First of all, congrats to both of you (Byronic_Ryu and camsthebrave) for your fabulous weight losses!! I have a couple sites that might give you some helpful information. I hope you can find what you're looking for. These aren't…
  • Hi everyone! I'm from Michigan. I love to cook and bake. I used to collect cookbooks and read them like novels. LOL I'm just getting into canning. We moved 2 years ago and we have grapevines now. I canned grape juice. Better than Welch's by a long shot!! We also have had container gardens for the past 2 years. This years…
  • When I was first diagnosed years ago, I was so sick, I swore I was dying of cancer and I'm not a hypochondriac!! I was so sick!! When I was told IBS, I thought how could that make me this sick??? But it did!!! I was put on a very strict diet for about 6 weeks and it made me feel so much better!! I then kept a diary and…
  • Live in Roscommon, by Higgins Lake.
  • Well, it's probably past your lunch time now but I do have a website for you that have dinner recipes under 500 calories. You do need to plan ahead on 1200 calories a day. My suggestion is to make sure you have adequate protein and fiber with your meals and snacks to prevent you from getting hungry between meals. I DON'T…
  • The first time I reached my normal weight, in my 30's, my mom...the one who told me I was fat my entire life, told me I was too thin!! My entire family fat shamed me my entire childhood and adolescence, even into adulthood. I was told I was too fat to have children. Now that I was a normal weight, they started, I guess,…
  • I'm sorry I've been MIA. I still need to catch up with everyone!! I'm getting company this weekend but I'll be back next week!! Have a great end of the week and weekend everyone!!
  • Happy Monday everyone!!! Monday...check in...I lost 3 pounds!!! Woo Hoo!!! @WhovianFitNHealthy First of all, I applaud your endeavor with sign language. As a person who has a granddaughter and nephew with special needs, I understand how important and much needed people like you are. And how exciting to go into a store and…
  • @pinkstarberry Thank you for the Lentil Soup recipe! I love lentil soup and was going to look one up. Getting one recommended is way better! I put it in my online cookbook and will be definitely making it!
  • Happy Sunday everyone!!! I've had company so I've been a bit busy to read everyone posts until now. @Nikion901 Thanks for the measurement information. As for food related to health issues...I doubt my doctor will take that kind of time to review my food intake. I've had migraines and depression since my 20's. I didn't need…
  • What caused your willpower to vanish? Did you plateau? Did you gain? Are you not losing "fast enough"? Are you craving food you think you can't have? How long have you been trying to lose weight? Are you eating all your calories or are you trying "low carb", "fasting", etc.? Are you trying to move more? If you follow the…
  • Lounmoun and RoxieDawn have given you some good ideas. A few others I may add is make sure you don't drink any caffeine late in the afternoon. It takes 8 hours for it to completely leave your system. Clear your bedroom of any potential sleep distractions, such as noises, bright lights, a TV, a cell phone, or computer. If…
  • I don't blame you for not wanting any weight loss surgery. It's not for me either. I've just known too many people who have either had complications or gained at least part of their weight back if not all. And I understand about the depression too because I have depression. Your doctors just don't seem as supportive and…
  • I agree, if the scale is messing with your head, don't weigh yourself as much. The number one concern should be eating healthy with the proper amount of calories and moving more. If you do WILL lose weight.
  • Right now your BMI is 22.7, which is in the normal range (18.5 - 24.9) according to the NIH (National Institute of Health). If you went down to your high school weight your BMI would be 19.8. For your height, 61" your weight range is 100 - 132 (rounded up). To see this information, the NIH website is...…
  • Are you going to an All Inclusive? I'm sorry, it just said Al. Anyway, if you like rum, you might want to consider a Mojito. It's only light rum, simple syrup, lime, mint leaves and soda water. If you don't like rum, you can order it with vodka. It's prettier and tastier than just vodka and soda. LOL You can either sip it…
  • I bowled every Saturday night and for me, bowling and beer just went together. I continued to bowl and drink 3 beers every Saturday night just planning them in my meal plan. I also left a good amount of calories for dinner after because dining out always went hand in hand too! I lost weight. You might want to stick to…
  • Don't you have classes on cooking and food choices? My program did. I also had to meet with a dietician on a regular basis to review my diet plan. I guess different programs are different. My doctor was real nice, even if my weight stayed the same or if I gained a pound or two. My problem was it was too expensive for me to…
  • I'm telling my grandson about this! Thanks!
  • I agree with RoxieDawn. This is a lifestyle change so don't stop eating things you like to eat, just plan them in your calorie allowance. Don't eat the same foods every day. Some people find this a "no brainier" but I find it slows my weight loss down. I have a couple higher calorie days and a couple lower calorie days…
  • I think that was inappropriate for the server to say. I've made special requests in restaurants many times and nothing was ever said to me! Whoever said you were on a diet?! It was inappropriate for him/her to assume that. I'm not quick witted so I probably would be too shocked to say anything. But thinking about it now,…
  • I agree with Flugelblues and mbaker566. I have Major Depressive Disorder/Anxiety and my daughter and grandson are Bipolar. Having a schedule is SO important. Making a To Do list ranking most important first is also a big help. Of course you have to write these schedules and to do lists when you're feeling good. My…