Brumley2005 Member


  • June 24 is my color run goal! Im at one mile currently but with my spiffy new running shoes on the way hopefully my shins won't hurt so much and I'll be off and running (pun intended) My hubby is not being supportive and does not think I can do it so this group really helps me keep going. Hopefully I can loose some weight…
  • What is a good brand of running shoe? Looking in to it, they can be really expensive.
  • Ran my first full mile yesterday then walked the second at a fast pace. Problem is my shins are killing me today! Im worried im not going to be able to stick to my running plan and run tomorrow. I know many of you on here are like running miles and miles but for me as a starter, this is difficult. Being overweight I can…
  • Im in, Im training for my first ever 5K and im overweight. Got placed on a medication that made me gain a ton of weight and and now looking to get rid of it so my kids won't be embarrassed to be seen with me. My run im hoping to do is with my family, hubby and kids ages 10 and twin 8, is on June 24 so pounds need to be…
  • I am new to running and am hoping to run the color run with my family which is 5K on June 24. I am currently overweight and my three boys ages 10 and twin 8 are embarrassed due to it. This will be a major achievement but need motivation to get me there. I am…
  • I'm in! Husband want to go on a family vacation in August but I fear im to large to fit on the coasters! Current weight: 225 as of May 18