Sign me up for 30. Seems puny but my lazy streak has to end somewhere :). I've been running for 28 years...up until the last two. Hurt my hip getting the dang Christmas Tree into the stand year before last. Was tempted to say I'd hurt it in a 50K...but it was attack of the killer tree. No running equals big lady pants. I'm…
I'd love to join too. Is it still open?
steelfin67, I'm not sure how to friend :/. Everyone has friended me. So sorry to be no help!
Ha! That is so very true homegurl. We can do this though. A good comfortable pair of jeans feels so much better than a potato least most of the time ;).
Thanks for the request MsDeeHawk12. I've added two friends...yay! And homegurl I know exactly how you feel. For me keeping a close eye on what I'm consuming is the only way to lose. Otherwise I have a tendency to really go for it. If junk food had the calories and nutrition of broccoli, I'd be set. But alas, today is a new…