Tarataboo35 Member


  • Hi, I would love to add you and have more friends on here. I am in a similar position in regards to hormones. Trying to get back on track after a hysterectomy due to Adenomyosis, Endometriosis, and i have pcos. Now in menopause and taking hrt
  • Add away. I also need the motivation and my boyfriend is also looking to shape up. So the more the merrier. And your post is inspiring me to stop having slip up days like I did today. We also work shift work and want to do nothing on our days off, we keep doing well then not well like you. So lets do this together :)…
  • I feel you can more effective cheat days. If I deny myself some of my fav things I dont stick to ot. So on your cheat day have something that you really crave and something that you will enjoy rather than just lots of everything, but still keep some level of moderation into account - be mindful. For example if you want…
  • I popped on here because I suffer from the same thing. Mine is hormone related as I have PCOS, but it took a while for diagnosis and for a while I was really worried because I was losing so much hair. It can be scary. But try your best not to worry too much and as others have said go and see your doctor, It is normally…
  • Hi, I am also a night shift worker I work late night shifts then x2 full nights 10pm-8am I tend to have a dinner meal before I go to work and I have like others here protein shakes (homemade smoothies with protein) and to reset myself after my last night shift before rest days I have a short sleep and an early night (to…
  • I have a large meal before my shift (dinner) and I have something light whilst on shift, keep healthy snacks to hand, and I tend to have a smoothie before going to bed on the morning
  • I am based in London, and looking to get some motivation and add some new friends to help. So add away folks :) x
  • Hi, I am from the UK, was really into my running and was training for my first half when those dreaded hormones and symptoms spiked and I am trying to get back to it : ) would also like to join you and others for some encouragement and support. And some tips to get back to the running and hit that half : ) Lets do this! x
  • Well done on your progress. I am new and also needing some motivation and encouragement. So please feel free to add me peeps : ) x
  • Hi, I am new and from the UK and also suffer from PCOS. Looking to try and get strong, healthy, and fit whilst kicking some of those symptoms out the door! Good luck with it all, and feel free to add x