tamarawilmot Member


  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • @RunRutheeRun Thanks so much for the postive feedback. Having this broken foot, really has had me down in the dumps. I am studying to be a Personal Trainer, and this injury has got me feeling less than happy & positive. You mentioned "calorie dense" foods. What examples do you have? I pack crudite salad boxes, for my…
  • I am also 5'2", and I live in South Africa (we work in Kg's and meters or centimeters, so I will try and convert for you). At present I weigh 67kg (148lb), but to be fair I did break my ankle at the start of November, so there was always going to be some weight gain - 3kg (7lb) in fact, so I did weigh 64kg (141lb). I was…
  • At university I was a big drinker, and as I have "grown up" (I am 37 now) I have gradually reduced my alcohol intake, often going a week or two with nothing - sometimes longer. At the start of November I broke my ankle. I was already feeling rather down-in-the-dumps about having gained some weight, and not really feeling…