snapgal777 Member


  • Golly you guys are all so wonderful and inspiring. I hope I live up to the motivation of this group. I hate how lazy I can be but I want to be this disciplined and pumped. Do you post updates at the end of the month? Do you check in weekly?
  • I’m right at 200lbs and ready to drop back under. I’d be really happy to be 155 or there abouts but realistically would be happy with 160 or so. I tore my acl in my knee in January so working out is a challenge. I have surgery in 10 days. I am inspired by your posts and am excited to join this group. I think I need a…
  • I think I am in the same position. I need to be serious but accountable. I am here and can check in with you. The calorie counting is seriously my hardest discipline. I often snack because I tend to be an emotional eater. 50 is my goal! It's a huge change but we can do it!