A_to_the_Z Member


  • Got it. I never considered doing this. Thank you all so much. Looks like i'll be shopping on amazon for a food scale today. Any tips on how to make this a time-effective process?
  • I have not lost more than 4 pounds since giving birth. I lost the initial 20 lbs of baby/placenta/water right away but I've been stuck at 4 lbs less that that initial 20 lbs since July of 2015.
  • I'm wondering if lack of sleep has anything to do with it. I haven't slept longer than a 3-4 hr stretch in a year and it really wears on me. My baby has some weight to catch up on so he still eats 1-2x a night in a 12 hr period of sleep.
  • I just weaned about 5 weeks ago. I was hoping that the breastfeeding was the issue, but now I'm not so sure!
  • Valerie- When I said that I'm counting calories with my fitness pal, I meant that I am logging. I do not weight my food, but I do measure and log.