Darkstar45 Member


  • For the days that I slip, I think of the big picture. "Will one day of eating a hand full (or two) of chips make me gain weight"? Probably not. As long as it is not frequent. You also have the option, for a day that you go over the 1200 cals, do some activity. Do you utilize the exercise diary? I add even lawn mowing (and…
  • Thank you both! I don't see an option to reply individually to your comments. Am I missing something? Cheryl, intermittent fasting is my norm, lol. I don't eat breakfast but I do have a coffee with the chobani sweet cream. I go to work, when I get back home I don't eat right away cause I usually have something to do, so I…
    in Back! Comment by Darkstar45 March 2023
  • I'm not in a good place lately and I haven't been into "working out" for a good year (or longer). Zero motivation, but...I tried to incorporate fun and I use my daughter's VR, playing beat saber, turning it into a dance, not just arm movements. I also added fitxr (or fitrx..or something like that), which has up to 13 min…