Hi I am 19, turning 20 this year too :) Feel free to add me! I started at about 145lbs, am currently 130lbs looking to get down to 110! Looking forward to losing the last 20 lbs
It's always social pressure. When I go away for school during the year, all my friends ever seem to do is party,drink and eat! I always give in... :'(
I'm 19 looking to lose 20 more lbs! feel free to add me
Thanks guys thats awesome. It's a bit discouraging when you regain weight that you already worked so hard to lose before, but its alright. We did it once, we could do it again :)
I feel you. I just recently started my journey again. The reason I stopped the last time was this very reason.. I became too obsessive about counting. I do have a feeling that everyone's relationship with "counting" and how they come to terms with it would be different for each person.... but I will keep this an eye on…