mcpe29 Member


  • Me too
    in Add as Friend Comment by mcpe29 May 2016
  • 2 years sounds much more realistic to me :) it's a bit disheartening when legit sources say things like "don't look at celebrity mums, give yourself at least 9 months to get your body back" and I'm over here like she's gonna be 9 months old in 2 weeks, what am I doing wrong?
  • That's awesome you get up at 5 to work out, go you! What sort of stuff do you do?
  • Hi everyone, I'm Melanie and after losing some baby weight in the first few months, I've gone back up 5kg to 68kg (150lbs). I think it's partly due to antidepressants for PND, but since I'll have to stay on them for about a year I'd like to see what I can do to lose some weight and start getting a bit of a figure back in…