kema2007 Member


  • I've lost 3.5 pounds since June Group weight loss: 302.8 pounds!!
  • Ok here I go. I'm 5'1", on a good day :) and I weigh 143 lbs. I was very thin (105lbs) my whole life till I went to pastry school and taste tested... a lot haha. My goal for now is just to get to 135 which is where I was about 18 months ago. Eventually I'd like to be around 120-125. I've been counting calories (1390 is my…
  • My sister had her gall bladder removed several years ago. Don't remember exact recovery time or anything but it was pretty easy going for her. I had my appendix taken out laproscopicly and it was very easy recovery. Your joint will hurt for a few days, I guess because the air they fill your belly with escapes that way (?…
  • I like other How Stuff Works podcasts- stuff you missed in history and stuff mom never told you as well as the Doug Loves Movies podcast (very funny, 4-5 comedians/celebrities playing movie trivia games). Also just a btw, SYSK is hosted by Chuck and Josh :)
  • I'm 5' nothing and I currently weight 143. I hovered all my life around 100 pounds until I went to pastry school and taste tested everything :) After several fails at losing weight I've spent the last couple months just trying to maintain and not gain weight. I'm gonna keep my goals small (135 for now) and see what I can…