emk129 Member


  • A head of cauliflower 2 cloves of garlic 2 cups almond milk Cayenne pepper to taste (I like the spice) Nutritional yeast to make it a cheesy consistency Pinch of Himalayan sea salt to taste. If using fresh cauliflower, cut into bite-sized floret pieces. Put the cut cauliflower into a medium size pot and boil for…
  • https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/oils/health-benefits-of-coconut-oil.html Lots of great benefits!! . In fact my coffee has traces of coconut oil and green earth extract in it. I admittedly use it mostly for body care, I use it to moisturize my skin, my scalp and in lieu of hair product.
  • Isalean bars.. I love the peanut crunch and chocolate decadence and I love thee dairy free bars. Chocolate peanut butter and mixed berry bliss! I have one a day.. Yuuuuum and they get shipped to my house direct!
  • How's it going for you? Is it expensive?
  • Welcome Prakash! I'm Eileen. Hope day 1 is going well!!!
  • A good time to get meat at the grocery store is the day before the sales are going to change. For ex: my circular prices are in effect Friday to Thursday. So Thursday I go and cruise the meat department and look for the "managers special" sticker. It means the sell by date is that day. So to get it sold they discount it.…
  • You absolutely can do this on a budget!!! I'll be happy to support you on your journey. Been there done that. Let's connect. I love that your son is your motivation!! Simply beautiful. Congratulations on making the commitment to take better care of your self
  • Hey Aaron!! Welcome and congratulations on starting your journey. I'm new to the community but not to my fitness pal. I lost 120 lbs 4 years ago and have been focused on maintenance this past year. I'd love to support you and cheer you along your journey. Let's connect. You definitely can do this!!!
  • You can never have too much support! Love the suggestion. Please add me. Looking forward to connecting with you all.
  • Way to go Dutch!!! You can do this!!! Stay focused on your goal and DON'T QUIT... There will be days you want to. The trick is finding balance and not feeling deprived. I lost 120 lbs 4 yrs ago. I've been focused on maintenance since June 2015. I fluctuate 20 lbs. But when I lost the weight initially I did it in 15…