JNLStable Member


  • I'd go for it. They have modified beginner moves and the advanced moves. I was completely out of shape and had never done a workout dvd. Picked 30 day shred, it kicked my butt but I noticed a huge difference in my endurance. It's my go to workout when I slack off and need to get back to it. Everyone has different ideals…
  • The DVD has you working out 6 days a week, every 3rd day is Cardio. Rest one day a week. Each DVD covers different muscles one day push muscles the next push then cardio, repeat. I am on my second attempt of finishing this program. An injury forced me to stop in week 6 last summer. I really like this program a lot. It's…
  • I just finished 30 day shred again. I have done it numerous times. I am trying to re strengthen after an injury and long lay off for recovery. I lost 6" and 15 pounds. Granted that is also eating a strict diet & being extremely active 8-12 hours a day. I work outdoors not at a desk. This week I started her BodyShred…