ZooGalErica Member


  • Oy vey. Get your judgmental face ready...Pandora, Will Smith channel. :#
  • Way to go, Brock!! :)
  • Yes, please!! The more people who I know will see my ups & downs, the better.
  • I used to tease my boyfriend about being a nerd for listening to podcasts. When we broke up, I don't want to hear any sappy, sad love songs, and I didn't want to only listen to audio books, so, I figured, "Why not?" I love irony. ;) I Googled lists of "best podcasts" and SYSK was on there. I listened to the cats episode…
  • First, WAY TO GO on that weight loss!! That is awesome! (And inspiring, as I have that much I can afford to lose, ugh.) Second, thanks for being honest and posting this. As stupid as it sounds, the thought of having a lot of excess skin hanging around (bad pun!) has actually held me back. I know that with diet and…