andreaboby Member


  • I felt much better after recovering from surgery than with the gallstones. They are pesky little things! You're going to feel sooooo much better!
  • I was given Lortab. The acetaminophen (Tylenol) in Lortab caused nausea on an empty stomach. Pain was the pressure from the gas used to pump up the abdominal cavity in order for them to operate. Your body isn't used to it & it tends to shift around. It will be absorbed by your body the first few days. As for greasy foods,…
  • I had mine removed in 2008. I remember the gas in the abdominal cavity caused the most discomfort. I needed help getting from a lying down to an upright position. Also, very important...take a small amount of food with pain meds, always. Throwing up after that surgery hurts terribly. You may want your doc to prescribe…