sh5408 Member


  • Definitely snacking at night. I've started just leaving the family room/kitchen area altogether, going upstairs to read/clean/do chores, going to bed earlier, basically distracting myself and doing productive things instead. My biggest weakness is self-critical thoughts when I don't meet a diet or exercise goal for the…
  • This is really hard for me too. I moved back home to save money after college, and my mom is a big foodie/amateur chef. She has better self control than me, but she also isn't concerned about being a little heavier than I want to be (now or when I'm her age). There are snacks around EVERYWHERE in the house, especially high…
  • Hey all! I'm Sarah from California and I'm 5'6". I had been a comfortable 115 lbs two years ago while running 5 miles every day. Last summer I ran two half marathons and was in the best running form I had ever been! Then I went through an extremely busy period at work, a bad relationship got me down, and I sustained…
  • I felt super fit and happy in college - there are more bicycles than people in my college town; everyone was on the move all the time! After graduating, I moved out of town for work, lived alone in a really industrial part of the city where outside activity was impossible and unsafe, I felt miserable working for a terrible…
    in WELCOME! Comment by sh5408 May 2016