beatonchat Member


  • Here we are at the beginning of a new week. I prepped salad stuff for my work lunches, hard boiled eggs for snacks and have found a low sugar plant based protein powder that I like for breakfast. Planning ahead and knowing what to expect help me stay on track. What are you doing to start out strong?
  • I found out I was pregnant a year and 1 month ago. I swore I would maintain my healthy eating and exercise routine through the pregnancy and come out the other side no more then 10 pounds heavier. :D I crack myself up sometimes! I gained 55 pounds overall, lost 20 right away after i had my son. I have lost 5 pounds with…
  • I just had my 2nd son in May and am working to lose the weight I gained by eating healthy and getting moving!
  • I am in love with Zucchini Noodles! They really do satisfy my craving for noodles, be it with sauce or just Parmesan cheese. I have always liked zucchini, though, but my husband and son have never been partial until I started turning them into "noodles". Now they'll eat them instead of the real thing even when I offer to…
  • Everything in moderation, including moderation. This past weekend I was not moderate at all. I went camping with my family, I ate and drank whatever I pleased (a lot of which just happened to be healthy) and had a great time! I also swam a ton and got a lot of exercise. When I weighed in this morning I hadn't lost anything…
  • I was really just applying this whole "everything in moderation" thing to food but realized I need to apply it to exercise, too. I went to many days in a row really pushing myself and ended up hurting my back when I joined an online fitness challenge. I didn't hurt it badly but it was a good reminder that my body is still…
  • What am I doing wrong with the quotes? How do I get the quote and my reply in the same post??
  • That is amazing! That would be a big stack, they do butter sculpters at some state fairs and I bet that would make a nice bust or farm animal! :smiley:
  • I used to be a baker and we would have cases of 1 pound butter blocks on hand. So as I'm losing weight I keep picturing my amount lost in terms of butter blocks and that makes it very real just how amazing a loss even "just" 8lbs is. Does anybody else do this?
  • I've read a lot of people saying that they "save" calories up over the week for a night out or event they have coming up. Does that work? Can you not eat calories today so you can eat them tomorrow and not have it affect your progress?
  • jgnatca that sounds wonderful! I am going to look for that. Do they sell it at most stores or is it a specialty or health food store find?
  • What is quark? Sounds good , especially if it has a high protein content. I made my overnight oatmeal for my breakfast and just did not want it this morning. It was not what my body wanted, so I had a square of the egg, quinoa breakfast recipe I posted previously and that hit the spot. It's like quiche with a quinoa crust…
  • rakowskidp, revelation is the perfect word to describe how I felt realizing I knew exactly why I didn't feel great! It is amazing how my taste buds have changed, too. Things that used to be bland are now bursting with flavors I just never paid attention to before and sweets that I used to love are overpoweringly sugary…
  • So Tuesday night is my households Pizza and Movie night. I had a big salad and two slices of Supreme pizza on thin crust. That was enough and I didn't find myself wanting the leftovers next day. What did stand out to me was how bloated I felt yesterday and that my stomach was upset the whole day. I am becoming so much more…
  • WinoGelato this is such a great perspective! This totally resonates with me and I plan to use it going forward.
  • I do 1tsp of ground turmeric and 1/2tsp ground ginger with a pinch of black pepper (the pepper helps your body metabolize the turmeric), I adda 1/2 cup boiling water to dissolve and then some cold so I can drink it. When I started doing this I was also adding some honey and milk (coconut milk is good too) to make it more…
  • Good morning! Starting my morning with turmeric and ginger tea. It helps with inflammation and digestion. I've heard that lemon water is also good first thing in the morning to help jump start your metabolism. Anyone doing that? What are the results?
  • You guys are inspiring me sooo much! I've lost 6 pounds so far since May 24 and am finding this method really works for me. I completely agree with Franc127, if I deny myself something I'm craving then I'll eventually binge on it.
  • Here is a great breakfast recipe with eggs, veggies and whole grains that is quick and easy to make ahead and have on hand for the whole week: Check it out and let me know what you think. Have a healthy day!
  • OK, your right, no doughnut's! Although it really won't derail you if you have a half a doughnut once a year or even twice. That's my point about everything in moderation. What is moderate is different for each food. I can't have cake in my house because I can't just have one small slice but that doesn't mean I won't have…
  • That is phenomenal! Do you have any words of wisdom for someone, me, just starting out?
  • I have a 2.5 year old and want to lose 70 lbs. please add me I could use some support and can offer a lot in return!