tonchiiiiii Member


  • I might just have to invest in a tape measure and not bank on the scale. 140 might just not be attainable considering the cardio+p90
  • MFP goal is 1500. Even when I "burn" 1200 calories, I still eat only 1800. My garmin is usually telling me I'm under 1000 calories and MFP usually about 500-700 under target. I lost the 35lbs in just shy of 3 months and it has since stopped.
  • I appreciate all the suggestions guys and gals. And I do pee a ton at night. Ps, my diet doesn't really require a scale(other than the frozen blueberries and strawberries I put in shakes) and I use a heart rate monitor/gps garmin to track my exercise.
  • Even at the calorie intake I'm at I should be losing weight sitting on my butt..
  • I pretty much go to bed at 148 and wake up at 144. Been like this for almost a month. I've gotten to the point of being excited to see 144.0 vs 144.8 in the morning. Can't seem to break 144 and my goal is 140