lonniebosenko Member


  • I know what you mean. I was training for a half marathon and I was still gaining weight, my nutritionist was trying to figure out what was going one. I'm follow a healthier diet with the assistance of a coach so the pounds are starting to slowly come off. I gained about 40 pounds when the pain started.
  • I follow my own diet and also incorporate anti inflammatory as gas pressure causes a lot of issues as the Endo was found in my intestines.
  • After surgery my doctor wanted me to go on chemical menopause even though I was 33. I said hell no and started working with a nutritionist. I cut out most dairy and gluten but caffeine makes the most difference for me. Every now and then I start sliding back but once the pressure starts up I kick myself in the butt and get…
  • I found some awesome jeans in the US which are stretchable. I loved wearing jeans but since surgery I wasn't able to wear them.
  • Hello Ladies! I have had endo for about 10 years but was officially diagnosed in 2010 with my first surgery. I'm 35 and I am a single mom of a soon to be 13 year old boy (yikes and he's already taller then me). After having an official diagnosis I did my own research and shrugged off my doctors. I've been mostly successful…