Go for it Kate, You have lot of variety now, keep breakfast recipe variation on so that you are not bore of routine. Bring Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, Cinnamon, Roasted Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds into your regular diet.
Hi, Occasional you have home made protein shake, Recipe for the same is 1. 1 cup Yogurt 2. 1 cup low fat Milk (Skimmed Milk) /Almond milk 3. 3-4 Tea Spoon of Oats (I use Quaker Oates) 4. 1 Banana / 4-5 Strawberries 5. 4 nos of Almonds (soaked in Water overnight) 6. 2-3 Dates 7. 1 Table spoon of Chia Seeds 8. If you want…