melblades Member


  • I do the same one taste of chocolate and I can't stop haha why I never buy it
  • Whatever you like, I listen to green day and every avenue, electric guitars and long songs keep me going :-)
  • They come prepackaged powders and you make them with either semi skimmed, almond or coconut milk. I mix mine with other fruit and veg or mint to make chocolate mint shakes gorgeous
  • For some people increasing your daily intake of fruit and veg is not feesable, it's expensive and some peoples bodies can not process the amount of fruit and veg your body actually needs. Things like juiceplus gives people the oppitunity to put so,e nutrients in their body which they may not be able to do just by eating…
  • Juice plus has been a lifesaver for me throughout my illness, I'm very skeptical about these sorts of diet plans, but I never used it to loose weight, I used to give my body the nutrients and proteins it needs that I am not able to give it. My results are fantastic and I can not recommend it enough, although I'm not sure…
  • Hey! I been helping people loose weight for over a year and trust me you can do it!! You can't just stop eati your favourite foods, it makes you crave them more, spent two weeks progressively cutting down. For example if you eat three packets of crisp a days, start eating two packets, then spend one day not having any and…
    in Need help Comment by melblades May 2016