TeeVT Member


  • Hi! I understand the position you are in. I'm 31 and am a full time working professional, as well as a Mom of 3 kids (6yrs-8yrs-10yrs)! So it's a tough juggle making everything work!!! But, it is possible. You just have to make the decision to sacrifice a part of your day... for me, I have chosen to sacrifice my early…
  • You got this! Willpower will get you through. Try to avoid the empty calories with sugar (like cakes/donuts/candy/soda/etc) and eat the healthy natural sugars, such as fruit or small amounts of juice. When I start craving sugar I just eat a handful of red grapes or a small apple or small banana. If I am REALLY craving…
  • Thanks for the responses everyone! I think I have been misunderstood. My doctor suggested protein shakes because we found out that I have an allergy to gluten and dairy - so when I switched over to my new diet to accomidate this, I was having a hard time eating enough calories... so his reasoning was b/c I needed more…