MudderGrad Member


  • 1- 40+ pounds is a huge goal. Make sure you write down WHY you want to lose weight and keep it somewhere that you can see it every single day. This way you stay motivated. 2- Since it's only been one week and you're not liking your food options already, try to find some healthy recipes that you'll enjoy. Otherwise you're…
  • If you're exercising every day and only eating 1200 calories than the problem is with your calories. You probably need to eat more. Even if you're trying to lose weight fast, no one should only eat 1200 calories for a extended amount of time. Since it's now about 6 months, you probably slowed down your metabolism and…
  • You're getting some great advice already. You definitely should increase the difficulty of your exercise in time. Swimming will help but using weights will be the best option once you're ready. Another option would be resistance bands since you're new. However, you can't beat a good set of dumbbells. Here's a few body…
  • What really helped me lose was keeping track of every single calorie and knowing how many calories to eat. When you set your calorie requirement, make sure you don't go too low. Some people try slashing calories like crazy and it does get you weight loss in the short term but ruins your weight loss efforts in the long term…
  • I agree with goffma... You first need to figure out WHY you want to lose weight. Make sure yo write out why you want to lose weight and then place this list somewhere where you'll see it every single day. You can also find other weight loss motivation ideas over at Pinterest. People share some great visuals that you can…
  • I'm sorry to hear that stephmckee5... Weight loss is not easy at all... It will take work and following a fad diet will NOT work at all. You will need to change your eating habits to include more whole foods and less junk. Yes, you can enjoy a treat from time to time but weight loss is about making life style changes over…
  • It's sad how people still fall for these ads... If weight loss was possible with pills alone than no one would be overweight.
  • That is very weird... Are you exercising as well? Maybe your body isn't getting toned or maybe you're losing more muscle mass than fat?
    in Confused Comment by MudderGrad June 2016
  • First thing in the morning... Sometimes once a week but I'm too addicted to seeing that number!
  • Sounds like adding in some exercise would be good for you. Exercise will definitely boost your mood and there are several different kinds of workouts so you're bound to find something that you will enjoy. ;) Also, having a little treat every now and then will not hurt you because what you should be doing is changing your…
  • HHHmmm... 1200 is definitely low. From my experience, it sounds like you'll want to increase the number of calories. You definitely don't want to go lower. Try adding 100-300 calories for a week and then seeing if that gets you losing weight again. More than likely your body needs more nutrients based on your workout…
  • You're doing a great job! Your friends just want to force their ideas on you. In reality, you can easily lose weight by simply changing what you eat, like you're doing. Later you can add exercise to tone up your body or to help you lose weight faster. However, weight loss is mainly based on what you place into your mouth…
  • I used another weight loss calculator and found it to be 1489 for weight loss based on the information you gave. I would say to try out 1300 first. If you feel hungry the whole time then you probably should add another 100 calories. However, do not go below 1200 and if you do, not for very long. Overall, you'll need to try…
  • Losing weight can be pretty difficult at the beginning. It's a lot like trying kick a food addiction problem. Make sure to realize that you're not on a diet for a short term in order to lose weight. Instead, you're changing how you eat so that you can have long term weight loss results. With that said, try getting more…