pierrejbb Member


  • Short term: -back squat 120k -front squat 100k -Deadlift 155k -Snatch 55k -clean and jerk 70k -drink more water Long term: -find a way to be outside more -find a way to be active every day despite working a 9-5 desk job -cut down processed foods -be able to do a pull-up -work on mobility/flexibility -run a 10k in under…
  • Outside magazine recently launched a podcast. There's just a handful of episodes so far but they are all pretty great if you are into outdoorsy/survival stuff Also, not a podcast, but I really like running while listening to audiobooks. When the story is really exciting it gets me stoked for my next run
  • I've been learning Olympic weightlifting for the last few months. I'm getting a bit better at the snatch, but I really really love doing Clean and Jerks. Before that I was doing powerlifting and really enjoyed seeing the kilos add up on my deadlifts. I also play hockey (poorly) with a group of non-competitive folks once…