jerb00 Member


  • Maybe I do. I mean, I am pretty flexible from dance and yoga but maybe it isn't the way inbred to be for proper squat form. I watched the video and I feel like my body moves similarly, but I'll post a video so I can get an objective opinion.
  • Thank you all so much for your tips and comments. As much as I don't want to, I think I'll try to post a video for critique. Try this weekend...
  • Does the fact that I do a sumo squat necessarily mean that i can't squat as much compared to other squats or is it just me?
  • I can't squat normal. It hurts my knees. I am doing strong lifts 5x5 but doing the sumo squat as my squat.
  • Update and question: been doing SL for 5 weeks. I have really been able to increase the weight in my deadlifts, bench, row, and overhead press, but my squat is stalling. I lift at home and have a small 25 lb bar that I use for all exercises (including hip thrusts) except for squat. Back squats kill my knees and I just…
  • Thanks for the feedback. I am glad we aren't the only ones! We did just both start a more strenuous program and I don't know if they had anything to do I'm with it, but I am super fair and bruise at the slightest touch so I am hoping this doesn't become a regular thing with me ;)
  • Sorry- I know this is a stupid question but what do you mean back into my tdee? I have been logging better lately and I am in the 1500s almost all days. A few days a bit over, some days lower.
  • Thanks! ~1100 on non exercise days and ~1600 on days I do exercise
  • I know but for the past 2 weeks I have been seeing an upward trend. Didn't mention it - cuz - ebbs and flows and all- But today I am at 99.6lbs and have been for a couple of days. This is highly unusual. I know in your response to my initial post a couple weeks ago that you said ~1500, but with the scale creeping up…
  • I did but I changed my mind. I did some more reading and decided to add in another day in the beginning cuz I am not lifting super duper heavy right now. When it gets too tough I'll go to the three day plan. Love the advice but I can totally live without the condescending tone.
  • Ginger or peppermint teas are good. I really like ginger tea with lemon and cayenne. Really helps imo.
  • Appreciate your analysis very much. You summed up what I want way more succinctly than I did and got down to the meat of my dilemma and offered pros/cons for both. For a mental break - I think I'll do strong lifts as far as I can the way it is written and then move on to the 5/3/1 when I can't go any further. Appreciate…
  • I defer to you. I only skimmed his website and it seemed like a lot of different exercises on a rotation which reminded me of strong curves. But I didn't read the book and shouldn't have commented without knowing...
  • Thanks! Yes, slow. Maybe I'll increase calories to help with building muscle. As for the program, yeah, I kinda wanted less variety, something I could memorize, work hard, but short and sweet. The most important things. That is what led me to consider strong lifts. The template has a bit more exercises than I wanted per…
  • @gaucho- your r right. I dont know enough and should just follow the program crested by someone who does. I liked lifting 4x a week with strong curves, but wanted something simpler. The 5/3/1 seems similar to strong curves. Checked it out online on his website. Didn't read the book...
  • So, yeah, muscle definition. I mean, I might be at the low end of my healthy weight range but I don't look skeletal at all. I have nice looking core/abs- kinda always have- but I carry all my weight in my bottom half. My arms are not nearly too thin but also not as defined as I thought maybe they would be lifting 4x a week…
  • I make smoothies for the week for myself an my husband every Sunday. So, we have 10 smoothies in the fridge Sunday night for use every day. They are completely fine. Don't care about minimal nutrient loss if it means mornings are easier
  • Thanks for the feedback. Totally don't have a solid grasp on fundamentals- seeking advice...
  • I just want something simple to follow. I would like to lift heavier than I am now and also get leaner and not a long time commitment. I won't be progressing like the program says, though right? I mean, there is only so much I'll be able to add. My goal is nt to be a power lifter. If there is s better program I am totally…
  • 4'10" here. Was at 1200 for a couple months to lose and thought I'd lose my mind. I was so hungry and then wasn't hungry but just lacked energy. Now I am around 1500-1600 most days. Sometimes more and sometimes less. Much better. Feel much better. Staying at weight so far. This has been for 4 months maintaining.
  • Hey Canadian. Thanks for tr reply. I actually read it several days ago and decided to get my head around the fact that what I want to happen and what is actually happening may never match up . So I better be ready to deal with the what is actually happening. So, thanks for the perspective. Trying to think of this as a…
  • Everyone says to lift weights. I do think it has def made a difference for me in my arms for sure. But I have been doing strong curves for I guess 4 months now and I suppose it is doing something since I am not gaining weight. But the only real difference I see in my arms. The rest surely seems the same. I now use 25 lb…
  • This exactly. I have have analyzed my caloric intake and questioned whether I am taking in too little/too much based on results. In the beg before changing my exercise routine I lost some lbs by taking calories down to 1200. I'll never do that again. I am small but is was terrible. Not sure how anyone else does it to be…
  • Seriously same here. Except that I stopped logging for now cuz I was getting consumed by it but I still almost always hit my protein goal and and am fairly regimented in my eating habits so I don't think I am too far off. Plus, the scale isn't moving. I have been logging/monitoring since April but began my new…
  • Actually at maintenance. Recalculated to be sure.
  • This is me exactly. I have been doing strong curves for three months. Moving into the next portion of the program now. My weight has remained steady throughout. I am hip thrusting and bridging more than I weigh yet me measurements are still the same. I do feel stronger and I guess a bit more toned but I am not seeing the…
  • Very thoughtful explanation. Thank you for sharing your very personal story.
  • Right now i can't cuz I only have 25 lb plates and I need a pillow on my hips to keep them from bruising as badly. But I have been trying to work it out with the suggestions I have been given. Thanks for replying.