rauriebirch Member


  • Hi there. Congrats to all you mamas! Such wild times to be having a baby. I’m 5.5 months postpartum and working hard in the weight loss. I had three kids in five years, and the pins kept creeping with each pregnancy and the inherent challenges of taking care of oneself while raising little kids. I’m down 65 from the day I…
  • So sorry to hear about the postpartum depression. That sounds really hard, and nothing like some annoying appetite issues to throw in there for good measure. 😫
  • Gosh, it’s so overwhelming, isn’t it? Trying to look after two babes is so much, and then trying to lose weight and watch every calorie is so tough.(I have lost 42 pounds in the last 4 months and have about 20 more to go.) I wish you all the best with this!
  • Hey there! I'm breastfeeding my two year old and my two month old. I have 40 pounds to lose, which feels like A LOT, but I'm very optimistic and dedicated. I wish you all the best!