xxchloe99 Member


  • @elphie754 annoys me u havent even looked on the interner at how good fasting is for people ur just throwing the first thing that pops in to your mind about it without actually knowing anything
  • @asjt678 didnt encourage just recommended so people could have their own decision about it your all just thinking fasting means starving when it doesn't.
  • @elphie754 what about cave men then who lived for weeks without food there are so many pros to this and ur just trying to put people down for doing something ur not willing too. Its peoples own choice and experiences and if u don't like it stop commenting because some awful advice from you isn't going to make me change my…
  • @elphie754 u dont have any facts its dangerous ive done four days and im fine and what about religious people who do it all the time then?? Its not dangerous as long as they don't overwork them self
  • @elphie754 and i posted my personal experience to let people know what happened to me im not forcing them to take on fasting im saying my experience therefore leaving them a choice if they want to do it or not its their decision stop trying to put people down
  • @elphie754 ur only saying that because u've never tried it
  • I meant ur digestive system needs a break ive read it all off the internet from people who has tried it doctors and personal trainers and they all say its the best thing anyone can do for there body so
  • @randomtai Why no tho I've done it and had no bad effects alls I've had is weight loss and i feel happy and awake and it is recommended and its quick so don't say no when you haven't even tried it
  • @elphie754 how is it when its easy and you lose weight fast and it cleanses the body and the mind spiritually. If you read online it is recommended by doctors and lots of people to give the body a break