bouldermal Member


  • Goal: 120-123 Ibs Current: 127 Ibs Highest: 154 Ibs Lowest: 104 Ibs
  • 127 Ibs. Size 2-4, XS-S and 27 in jeans (Canada). Hard to find pants that fit well since I have larger hips. 27 fit my booty but are baggy in the thighs and waste. 25-26 fit everything perfectly except my booty can't squish in.
  • Hey! I also just started rock climbing 2.5 months ago and absolutely love it. I stick to bouldering though. Besides the actual climbing the people are so friendly! I've already made several friends and know the names of many members. I've been focusing a lot on technique (footwork, preplanning routes,etc) and have found it…
  • I agree with all the recommendations so far! Focusing on abdominal muscles is important especially for staying on overhangs. Before I did ab workouts I was always swinging off then struggled to get my feet back up. I do the P90x ab ripper x (I dont do any of the other p90x workouts). Even just always engaging your core…