allybuddy Member


  • Thanks everyone for your replies. I just refilled my pills but next month I will be asking for the name brand to see if that makes a difference. I will also track my food diary to see exactly where I am as far as calories go. I take my hypo meds first thing in the AM and wait 1 hour before I eat or drink anything. I then…
  • The weight gain has been trending up the past 3 months. I typically fluctuate upwards of 5lbs. I still have my holiday weight gain on me (about 10lbs) and by now it should have gone down or at least some of it. I train jiu jitsu and karate and depending on the day I can burn any where from 300 to 800 calories. I do tend to…
  • Was put on Levothyroxine in January and have since gained 5lbs. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I work out 4 days a week and eat a relatively healthy diet. If anything I should be loosing weight. I was wondering if Hypothyroidism has something to do with this gain. My Dr said that gaining weight shouldn't be…