Yasmin163 Member


  • I have been to my GP for a chat and have discovered my T3 Thyroid is actually on the low side. My kidney function is very low side also and is possibly sign of dehydration. She has recommended I start a course of meds to try and rectify the thyroid issue. (It explains why I'm sleeping for 3 hours in the afternoon). Not…
  • I usually just scan the product. :-(
  • No not a stupid question. I'm not. Didn't realise it was there. I'll double check that thanks :-)
  • Weighed and measured EVERYTHING for the day. I've even weighed and labeled every egg in the box :-) Lets see how we get on.
  • I'm going to ask my GP for my exact results because all I had was 'normal'. Think I'll increase my exercise further as well. I use to do 10k walk everyday but changed it to swimming & spin. Maybe I'll go back to doing the 10k as well as my swim & spin class :-)
  • I really thought I was being strict. I don't touch energy drinks ever, soft drinks occasionally maybe twice a month. 2 alcoholic drinks since August last year. I am extremely bad at drinking water. I'll drink a bottle in the gym but that's it all day. I work out 5 days - tried mixing cardio and weights, tried no weights…
  • I have been tempted but was hoping that a complete lifestyle change would be better. It worked up until October - now I don't know why its gone so wrong. I though increasing my exercise would be key but obviously not. I've only ever measured certain foods before and its never been an issue but obviously it is now. So will…
  • Yes I teach exercise therapy. So other than my own fitness I take older adults, so not high impact but body weight exercises. Thats 4 days a week
  • She is 5ft 5 I'm 5ft 4 same age (I'm 2 months older lol) we were the same weight...she's now stone 1/2 lighter than me. She's a hairdresser and I teach exercise therapy so both pretty much on our feet all day. But I know everyone is different so I'm not using this as a serious example.
  • Right here goes. I will weigh EVERYTHING.
  • It seriously did not cross my mind to weigh a slice of bread or an egg. :-/
  • Its so frustrating. My friend I train with eats more junk food and crap in one day than I do in a 3 months easy and she's lost 1 1/2 stone in the same time I've added a stone and we exercise the same. I must be catching her weight loss lol Think I may try her diet instead :-)
  • Yes I've started back on it today. Back last year I did it every day. But came to a complete stand still. Carried on doing what I was doing until January then increased my exercise to 5 days instead of 3. Only thing I have changed is increased my exercise. I have made an appoint back with GP to get my thyroid levels…
  • Weigh eggs? Really??
  • Other than what I've detailed above everything else is pre measured. Eggs. Slice of bread. Steamed veg. Thats pretty much my whole diet. No jar foods/sauces other than the tomatoe sauce. I dont know what else Id weigh lol
  • I've just detailed above everything that I eat that needs to be weighed???
  • Yes I made a point of buying a scales and for everything I need to weigh then its weighed out. I don't eat much that needs weighing. But I have 40g of porridge oats made with water every morning without fail. 150g of whole grain rice every other day with grilled chicken portion the other day it will be either a salad bowl…
  • This was how well I've done up to last October. Now it's reversed and I'm gaining.
  • Ok I'll do that now. I'm 5ft 4 and weigh 12st11
  • I've just started using my fitness pal again. I gave up using it last year because I was static. Today for example my calorie goal was 1571 I managed 1234 cals. This is a good day. Sometimes I manage 1000 others 900 cals. I don't over eat I under eat if anything. I don't under estimate my calories I've been working out…
  • Oh sweetheart that is horrendous for you to be dealing with. One thing for sure, there are plenty of help groups. Deal with one thing at a time. Stress will be a huge factor in weight gain. Try joining pilates or yoga for some stress relief but great for health & well being. Swimming will also be a great exercise for…
  • I'm glad I seen this.I am really struggling myself. I'm 44 and a fitness instructor. I see it over and over again. I work out 5 days a week limit my calorie intake and still gaining weight and can not shift it for love nor money. Our hormones levels do slow down or stop the older we get and the way we store fat changes.…