Thank you!
Other than gas pain it's been rather easy do far. 6 days post op today! I was feeling quite tired and low energy...yikes so last night I quit liquid diet started cottage cheese and yogurt! What a difference
Please tell me these gas pains go away sooner than later
Thank you!
I'm 5 days post op today! Drinking is rough. Still have lots of discomfort. Is that normal?
Got my date today! 09/08
Check out Laura's vsg on YouTube should be helpful. She had surgery in Mexico and paid out of pocket too.
Hw 317 Cw 262 Goal weight 140 Surgery scheduled for 9/8/16 after six months of diet documents! So excited.
Don't get married....after 23 years you'll split
Thank you. Fr sent
Portion control, walking and getting plenty of water. I don't have any food off limits. I eat whatever I want for the most part. Just portion it right. Usually around 1100 calorie
You can do whatever you put your mind too
Thank u
Say hi
Hi all....I'm single and looking to chat
Nice smile
I'm here
Hey all. I'm newly single after 23 years. Looking for some pals. Thank you
Thank you
Thank you very style changes help
Be friends
I spy
I'm also pre op. Going to 5 diet doc visit on 7-12. My advice is stay on track if you have a bad day it's ok. Start anew the next day. I quit everything cold turkey and have lost 47 lbs since march. You have to expect a life style change.
Add me please. Looking for some pals. LORI BRADFORD. PA
Hi...where in pa?
Lori ... PA
My favorite tattoo
How the heck do you add s pic?