Paulina1230 that is so great. I'm sure you are inspiring so many others through your hard work. Great Job!
klbrowser You are absolutely correct about the different sugars and how they are metabolized. I've been working with a dietitian and she said to pair a sugar or carb with a protein to prevent a sugar spike. Such as adding some peanut butter (without sugar) on an apple. Congratulations!!!
stilltrusting that is awesome!!! Congratulations!!! That is a lot of weight for 4 months. What type of exercise are you doing? Congratulations again.
You are exactly right meritage4. Congratulations on your 45 lbs. I keep my carbs down to around 65g a day. I think under 50 and you will go into ketosis.
I may allow myself a small piece of cake or candy on special occasions but I'm done eating deserts, and that's ok. I'd rather have my health and a nice body. (I've got 70 lbs. to go to get to that goal though.) :wink: elisa123gal, what is this setting you are speaking of? What does the "CDC suggest 22 or 25 % to adult…
Hi I'm Sandra and I'm 55 from Alabama. I started a month ago on MFP and I started dieting a few weeks before that. I'm 5'4 1/2". I started 225 lbs. I would like to weigh 130-140 lbs. I've lost about 15 lbs so far but what I am currently able to do exercise wise is slow but gaining. :) I get on the treadmill at 2.5 mph for…
Y'all all rock! Thank you so much for the supportive words and info. This week has been MUCH better. I don't feel hungry all the time. I've seen my dietitian and she has given me a lot of info. I feel supercharged. Thank you all again.
Thank you for the tips. :)