Sometimes changing up the routine helps.
Taking the day off from work today — no particular plan, just nice to take a break now and then.
Riding a bike and seeing a family of 4 deer along the side of the road.
Biking is great - less strain on feet and knees. Swimming...I never got into that as exercise but hear it’s another good one. .
Our bodies don’t realize that 40s are the new 30s...
I just did the same thing!
Only when doing cardio, feel like I need the motivation as I don’t really love running. Not when lifting, I enjoy it and I’m not going 100% all out as I don’t want to pull something (again) and be sidelined.
Good luck in that and in proving yourself right!!
Also Gen-X, (graduated high school in 1989, definite child of the 80s...)
Maybe sustained cardio, jogging or running for 20 min three times a week in addition to your moderate outdoor activities.
Firefly - awesome show. She was great in V reboot. I remember when the original V came out, seeing it advertised in TV guide a month out and waiting for it...that was a while ago.
Also in the legal profession, so understand the desk/ball and chain. Thankfully I work somewhere where fitness is encouraged. Does your employer have a fitness/work out policy?
Getting back into MFP. Wondering what happened to my metabolism...
Sorry to hear, hope you heal quickly. Focusing on diet is still an excellent way to fitness (as a friend told me, you can’t outrun a bad diet) so stay motivated.
We started off with low carb for 30 days, less then 30-50g a day and saw significant progress. Then you up it a bit to more sustainable levels but focus is on limiting starch and sugar (bread, rice, processed foods, soda, etc). Although most meats are ok downside is you need to watch cholesterol.
Agree on DC/Batman. Christian Bale's version is the one bright spot. Enjoyed Wonder Woman but I think BVS underutilized her...she could have added a lot more.
Lost 20 pounds two years ago, gained 12 back so starting back on the path myself.
I lost 20 gained 12 back so back on the journey myself.
Have you started a nutrition/workout plan yet?
I lost 20 pounds then gained 13 so also dealing with motivation...lost 3 this week so also getting on the path to re-motivation again!
Which exercise do you hate? May just be a matter of finding alternatives. If you dislike running, try biking or swimming or hiking. If lifting weights is not your thing, perhaps a different kind of strength type training (like yoga). Can also take pictures/selfie so you can see before and after, helps with motivation.…
I defaulted to popcorn for a while. I find that it I have a cup of coffee after dinner I feel more full and less likely to want to snack.