kimpacheco22 Member


  • @akmomof7 lol! It's okay, my face gets flushed too, I just took to long trying to take the "perfect" slefie! ha ha
  • @sNachers ha ha ha! too funny.
  • @edieb1985 Welcome to the group! I too have a desk job and we too order in everyday. I had to quit ordering in and I started meal prepping.
  • @quiltlovinlisa do you post from your phone or PC?
  • @bbgraine that's a great pic!
  • @melodyis4reals It's okay to whine, that's what we're here for. I've been wearing the same handful of outfits for the past three years because I refuse to buy new "bigger" clothes. I'm determined to fit back into my old "smaller" clothes. Hang in there, you will get into your old size as long as you keep pushing forward...…
  • TUESDAY 8/30 CHALLENGE: let's get our sweat on!!!! Show us your sweaty selfie!
  • @Skyygraphx this looks yummy! I love this idea, as I too like taking pics of my food. Here is a picture of my healthy version of a taco, prepared with extra lean ground beef, low fat cheese and nonfat plain yogurt.
  • @sNachers Yes, exactly, the soothing feeling of sipping - oral fixation. I like drinking Chamomile tea when I'm trying to quit drinking, it relaxes me and puts me to bed earlier. I love the idea of sparkling water, I'll try that while cooking tonight!
  • @quiltlovinlisa I can totally relate to both sides of the extreme! Many years ago (pre-motherhood) I stopped eating almost completely. The more weight I lost, the more motivated I was to starve myself. Soon enough it was so easy for me to ignore the hunger pangs. I was so thin that I was shopping in the little girls…
  • @marlies74 sorry I'm late with this reply, I wasn't feeling so good last week and I stayed away. But, I'm back now. And yes, I feel you on that struggle. I'm going to take it one day at a time as well. I think the best way is to wean off, instead of cold turkey. It's weird because I'm perfectly fine at work without the…
  • @akmomof7 @jenniebean310 @quiltlovinlisa Thank you for the support ladies. I'm back!!!! Missed this group!
  • @marlies74 @swiftfox1980 Welcome to the group! You just have to click on a person's name, when a new dialog appears, click on their name again and you will see the "ADD FRIEND" button.
  • Sorry for the radio silence... not bailing out on my group. I had a long weekend preparing for the kids' first day back in school. Today I had to drop off my 3 year old at daycare for the first time and I'm not coping. I've been sobbing all morning. So, I'll check back in when I'm feeling better. :(
  • @jmroemer I love Chinese food!!!
  • @bohemiantanya At least you stuck to it. Good job!
  • I've been wanting one for ages now! Hopefully my hubby will get one for me this Christmas.
  • @jenniebean310 Tell me about it, this back to school shenanigans killed me this week.
  • @bbgraine Thanks! I'll check it out.
  • FRIDAY CHALLENGE: Share your favorite cheat meal. While it's okay to treat yourself to a cheat meal, it's not okay to cheat everyday. Lol. Let's commit to rewarding ourselves only when we have reached our short term goals. PIZZA! I love pizza!!! And it never fails, every weekend we order pizza. I pledge not to order pizza…
  • @bbgraine I haven't booked anything yet. We're still setting money aside, but my husband would like to go to Cancun. I was thinking of joining a diet bet. Any suggestions on which ones are worth it?
  • @jmroemer Hi Jamie! Welcome to the group.
  • @Skyygraphx Hi Priscilla! Welcome to the group :) you came to the right place for support.
  • @ststarks Hi Stephanie! Welcome to the group. I can relate. It's been a roller coaster for me too.
  • Southwestern Rice and Bean Salad Total Time: 1 hr. 10 min. Prep Time: 10 min. Cooking Time: None Yield: 8 servings, about 1 cup each Ingredients: 2 cups cooked brown rice (or other cooked whole grain) 1 (15-oz.) can black beans, drained, rinsed 2 cups frozen whole-kernel corn, thawed 1 medium tomato, finely chopped 3 green…
  • I don't seem to be having that issue. I'm actually way above my protein and way below my sodium according to MFP. I'm following the 21 Day Fix meal plan from Beachbody. I can share some recipes from there if that helps?
  • @jenniebean310 I've been wearing the same 7 outfits to work for the past three years because I refuse to get comfy
  • @Scorpio8402 ooooh new tattoo! Good idea.
  • @FarahAmrane oh yeah definitely new clothes for me too! I don't think I'd look cute in my current clothes once I lose my 70 pounds. Lol
  • @akmomof7 sorry, off topic, but I need some sewing advice. Last year I hand sewed name labels on my kids clothes for school, but I've been looking at some handheld sewing machines. You think it will serve the same purpose?