Thank you! This is great information! I know it's expensive, but I need something that will keep me motivated! I can't do the same DVD over and over again. I did the yoga yesterday and enjoyed it and I think I'm going to try inferno today. Thanks for all the info!
Congrats! I just started my weight loss journey! Feel free to add me! I've got almost 100lbs to lose!
Ok I'm just looking for a few suggestions for different workouts so I don't get bored. Can we please stick to that? I got your point. I just need something to occupy my time for naps. Thank you for your input, but if you don't have any workout suggestions please refrain from commenting.
Thanks for some actual suggestions! I will check them out. I'm trying to avoid the nap time slump where I sit on the couch and watch tv! Might as well get my exercise on!
I understand that diet is more important for losing weight but I need to make myself more active as well. I have two small kids and am looking for something to keep me active during nap time. Just looking for some suggestions for that. If I can find one that gets my sweat going, I will feel better about myself and tend to…
Yes! That would be amazing!