Sinni14 Member


  • Hey thanks for the response. I probably should have been clearer with my statement of 'waist'. By waist, I actually mean 'belly'... measured around my stomach at belly button level. I'm about a 36-38 inch 'waist' in pants size... so I see the confusion... As for eating, it will be a lot of fresh meats and vegetables... I…
  • This is my first week weighing in!! Definitely a spooky weigh in from what I saw on the scales! Starting weight - 94.9kg (209 lb) Starting waist - 105cm (41 inch) Goal weight of 80kg (176 lb). I suffer from IBS which has only been getting worse with my eating habits, so I really need something to kick me into gear!!!…
  • Let's do this! Team GFB Australian correspondent signing in...