JamieAlison9 Member


  • Welcome to the forums MelindaBev. I'm new here too, but I'm loving it so much! Here's some weight loss tips I have been using and they work for me very, very well. These are effective ways to reduce your weight, as well as to prevent weight gain in the future. Here are ways to lose weight without diet or exercise. All of…
  • If you're sick of starting over then stop giving up. The problem is people start crash dieting and pushing themselves too much. The best way to lose weight and keep it off for good, is to make lifestyle changes. Calculate your BMI by searching Google. Have a calorie deficit of 500 per day. Do this by slashing 250 from your…
  • Here's some advice for you. Skipping breakfast is the BIGGEST mistake you will make. Eat breakfast in the morning and you will not feel the need to eat a huge meal later on during the day, because you won't be as hungry. Hope this helps, and I'll also add you as a friend :)
  • Well good luck on your journey. Just remember to make lifestyle changes to lose weight. Crash dieting won't work, you will just burn yourself out and start eating junk/sugary foods again. I'm glad you know what to do this time. So stick to it and I hope this helps.
  • YES, it has been proven that if you have a gym partner you are more likely to stick to the plan/routine and get to your target goal. However I have to mention that the most important thing is to make lifestyle changes to lose weight and keep it off for good. Diets don’t work nor does fad products and pills. Get yourself a…
  • My father in law with type 2, lost two stone, and also lost his diabetes. It can be cured, by eating right, and losing weight. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Big Pharmas job,is to keep you ill, so they can make fortunes selling you not needed medications.
  • One reason women overeat is that they don't hit their food craving right on the head — they keep bingeing until they're finally satisfied. Firstly ask yourself what you really want: Salty? Sweet? Smooth? Crunchy? Food cravings can be broken down into four categories. If you are craving sweet and crunchy, try a mini bag of…
  • Risk of death. No really, that's all the motivation I need to live a healthy lifestyle. The older you get, the more health issues you have the more you weigh. Diabetes. Stroke. Heart attack. It is not worth it. No matter how delicious a meal is. Also in Hollywood you are type cast for fat roles. This does not mean you have…