debs_w Member


  • Thank you for all the comments. I probably should have put more background for context. My husband is very lucky with his genes and comes from a family of runners. They’re all very slim and gifted at running so they can eat what they like and vast quantities of it. I am not a natural runner and have to pass yearly fitness…
  • He doesn’t have to shop with me but he lives at home and I work away during the week so get home Friday evening and usually leave on a Sunday evening or Monday evening if I can work from home. I have to sort out weekend food and get him set up for the week which he should be capable of doing but it doesn’t happen. Instead…
  • He likes burgers with burgers, chicken Kiev with waffles and pizza with garlic bread. His idea of ‘home cooking’ is a jar sauce over chicken with microwave. I’ve tried online food shopping as a way of buying fruit and veg in as he’s really impatient and won’t go near the fruit and veg aisles. I’ll look at frozen veg as a…
  • Sorry what I also should have added is I’m only home from Friday to Monday and then during the week I have to travel with work. During the week I try to have a salad at lunch but a lot of the time I miss lunch because of work.