kitkatlp Member


  • Again, I'd strongly advise that you measure your body fat. That's the only way you can see if you are actually gaining weight due to building muscles or if it's fat. If the latter, then there would be something to adjust in your diet. ;)
  • Have you measured your body fat? It's probably more relevant to measure than your weight.
  • Do you have those cravings because you're hungry or because you'd like to please yourself? Every time that I feel I want to eat, not that it happens a lot between meals, I always try to distinguish between the actual cravings i.e. "my body needs this or that" and the "I'd like to feel the taste of sugar / chocolate / cured…
  • One of the challenges we're facing currently is that once the kids are in bed, the missus would watch some TV and I have stopped watching any TV 3 years ago...not consciously though but I just grew bored of it. Well, now the gap left in my evening schedule has been replaced by workout sessions at the gym !'s time…
  • Guess what: now I check all labels when I buy something. If there is no label and if it's processed food, I just don't buy. It's far easier to control your calories intake and macros when doing it. Otherwise, I couldn't agree more with everyone else on this thread. Carbs are your friend ! Ideally, you would have a balanced…
  • I couldn't agree more ! Not only does she look like a different person but she looks so much younger now ! Well done !
  • Definitely a NSV : although this morning the scale didn't show any weight loss compared to yesterday, I have started to notice that my belly no longer forms a bulge at the front but rather a curve... I'M GOING TO GET RID OF THESE BLOODY LOVE HANDLES !! :smiley:
  • That's such a great achievement ! Well done ! I'm getting closer and closer to this goal and I'm so looking forward to hearing the same from my doctor ! ;) The closer I get to my GW, the more I do the same...that's the whole purpose of this thing isn't it? Getting to love your body again (and be healthy at the same time!).…
  • Non-Scale Victory. ;)
  • This is what I find the most frustrating in the fitness / nutrition world. You have people that spread their so-called knowledge contributing to an already much confused debate. At the end of the day, anybody who tries to convey any other message should bear the responsibility of people failing to lose weight and giving up…
  • Agreed. Although, eating too little is (1) unhealthy and (2) unsustainable. ;)
  • I think something that hasn't been mentioned is that if you want this to be a lifelong change, then forget about fad diet, forget about getting rid of this or that, especially if you like/love them. I don't believe in "no sugar / no sweets / no ice cream / no French fries / no fatty dish", etc. YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING ! Life…
  • You mean there is a MASSIVE difference ! These look like two different persons ! Well done !
  • I agree with that ! Fibre and protein ! (And a bit of fat too) E.g. I have porridge / oats for breakfast together with my protein supplement. It's very filling and only 400 cal ! ;) I think there are plenty of ingredients out there that are low on calories but quite filling. You just need to investigate !
  • HI there SW : 282 lbs / 128 kg CW : 205 lbs / 93 kg GW : I was initially planning for 187 lbs / 85 kg but I may want to get to 175 lbs / 79 kg. That depends on how I feel in my body, my BMI, my body fat ratio, how toned up I look, etc. ;)
  • Dude, you're a real inspiration. I was wondering if I would have any loose skin at the end of my journey (lost 77lbs and still have 30ish to lose) but I had a similar body than yours before your weight loss and it makes me feel that although I don't necessarily want to be that lean, that I might not end up with any loose…
  • 5'10, 228 lbs and eating 1500 calories more or less? Try 1200 calories and as every one else said, track every single thing that goes into your mouth. I would not eat back the calories I burn through exercise and see if that makes things better. But again, rule #1: keep track accurately and consistently of every single…
  • I went shopping as I don't have any clothes that fit anymore...although I have been reluctant to, so far as I haven't achieved my final goal... Well, I officially wear L compared to 2XL/3XL from the same shop 6 months ago. I bought a pair of jeans : size 10 US / 44 EU compared to 24 US / 56 EU before !
  • I've been playing since the age of 5 I guess. I started with keyboards, then guitar, bass guitar, drums...but what I prefer the most is singing. I used to be in bands, I did write some music, but these days, it's just me and my Strat/Marshall. ;) I wish I could jam with some other musicians... :D
  • Dude, I went to listen to some samples on CDbaby, and it sounds really good ! I liked it ! Shame I couldn't listen to the whole thing !
  • Recent studies have shown that breakfast is not the most important meal of the day despite what everyone thought until then. It is just one of the meals you get. You can skip it if you don't feel like eating. However, it seems that nutritionists do recommend that you spread your calorie intake over six meals rather than…
  • I just need to find a healthier version of a Mexican taco / tortilla. And that would be the best !
  • You can add much more or everything. Chicken and Pico de Gallo in particular are quite good...(the pico de gallo sauce is very low in calories).
  • I've been with my wife for 16 years now. We have the three most amazing kids. On the jealousy/cheating suspicion side, we have always been very relaxed on this subject to the extent that I would get hit by some girl at a New Year's Day party blatantly in front of her that she would laugh and let me know afterwards. Because…
  • Here's for some TMI: I discovered one downside of doing a lot of cycling...piles...
    in TMI game Comment by kitkatlp July 2016
  • Same here. I use the Chocolate one and it's quite good taste wise.
  • Portuguese, born and raised in France and now residing in Oxfordshire, England. ;)