Lauradaresyou Member


  • Curry-roast butternut squash, sweet potato and chicken for about 40mins before transferring to a pan, add tinned chopped tomatoes or passata, any spices you like ( chilli, paprika, corriandor, turmeric) and 2 heap spoons of curry powder. Let this simmer for about 5mins adding a little bit of water if the consistency is too…
  • What are overnight oats??
  • With working nites aswel my days run from 6.45pm when I get up to get ready til 8am when I actually finish work so most of my calories fitted in between 8p-1am as I don't think I could eat a big meal at like 4am. That just wouldn't be practical or doable for me. Thank you for the portion plate suggestion, I had never…
  • I don't understand how you can look at a head picture an say I don't look a certain weight :-s I've just changed my profile picture to a body angle an clearly I carry most of my weight on my bottom half so obviously I'm not going to look obsese from the shoulders up. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables to make up the…