sweetmelody269 Member


  • I love the Zumba DVDs! Dancing and burning calories is always fun :)
  • Oh yay, my first challenge! Yes, I definitely need this to stay on track. Also, anybody here feel free to add me! I love seeing progress and motivation would be awesome! Age: 27 Starting weight: 315 Current weight: 255 Challenge weight: 243 (12 pounds) by 7/31/16 Good luck everyone!!
  • I know how you feel. I haven't gained it all back but I've gained back 68 pounds after losing 126.....after having weight loss surgery! Last month I felt terrible. I didn't tell many people about the surgery which was a very bad idea because nobody held me accountable, it wasn't out in the open so they couldn't criticize…
  • Haha yes, the begging for friends thing is strange. I was adding random people on someone else's thread but it made me feel like creeper so I created my own discussion. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • I also work at a desk and dread the gym. I used to love the gym but since moving to a different city and not really liking the PF they have (crowded, dirty, don't have machines I'm used to). I do squats on my breaks or even standing at my desk. I know a place where employees brought in their own 2-5 pound weights to work…
  • I'll be your buddy! I also need friends on MFP. I originally lost 110 pounds but gained back about 55. So I'm wanting to lose 70-90. Anybody feel free to add me or send me a message :)
  • Man, I haven't been on here in quite some time. I didn't even notice the community tab, this is awesome! Anybody feel free to add me! I've lost about 100 pounds but regained about half this past year. I'd like to lose somewhere between 70-90. I could really use motivation and support. Good luck everybody!!