bandithansen Member


  • My weakness appears to be whatever I am eating at the time. I can't seem to find the stop switch. I just had my first episode of diverticulitis and now I can eat very little until I heal, so maybe it will break the addiction.
  • I don't remember my first episode but it was about 2 years ago. I listened to about 10 before I decided to go to the beginning and listen in order. I am almost up to current (I also heard about this group on the chigger episode). It was hard sometimes to want to chime in my opinion in listener mail but couldn't, because…
  • I'm Lisa, I am 5'2 and 195 lbs, a few years ago I cut out a lot of sugars and was down to 180 lbs from about 230 lbs but I fell off the wagon and the weight is creeping back on. I need to get back on track! I would like to be about 130 lbs, so I have a long row to hoe...encouragement always welcome!